
Light Horizon Design专业,源自于探索和专注。我们的设计方法创意独特,既注重提出理念更加注重实践,这使得在我们的设计中,灯光设计和建筑设计浑然一体,整体效果动人心魄,美不胜收。

LHDesign 照明设计有限公司拥有高素质的设计团队,分别来自建筑设计、环境艺术设计、照明工业设计、装饰设计、结构设计、电气设计等相关专业成员。我们采用诸如 Revit;DIALux;ADI32;为顾客提供光照效果研究以及AutoCAD; 3DMX ;SketchUP;Effects;为设计灯光效果绚烂、结构安装美感提供整体的服务。在这一系列复杂工序的帮助下,我们的设计团队可以高效而又有创造力地服务于本土和国际项目。与设计团队保持紧密的联系以及专业高效的工作态度是我们优良服务品质的保证。

灯光是一种极富感染力的媒介,在其烘托之下,即使夜幕降临,建筑环境仍可燿燿发光,更加成为城市的主角。带着这种信念,LHDesign 设计追求尽善尽美的灯光设计为客户创造独一无二的环境氛围。

LHDesign 致力于用光创造一种“场所精神”,强化环境效果,令人过目不忘。力争采用设计创新、环保、科学、艺术的灯光设计解决方案,竭诚为客户提供最专业、最前沿、最合理的照明设计服务。


Light Horizon Design is one of China’s leading lighting design consulting firms, dedicated to creating innovative, sustainable and budget-friendly lighting solutions. We own three distinctive departments: Architectural lighting design, Landscape lighting design and Interior lighting design, while offers a broad range of professional services, including concept design, design development, follow up and commissioning, are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients.

We are proud to have diverse staff of in-house designers and qualified support personnel assisted.Light Horizon Design is able to meet the most stringent deadlines while, at the same time, providing innovative lighting design solutions. Collaborative with a wide range of creative individuals and industry professionals: architects, artistic directors, producers, public bodies, developers and the end clients, we have participated in the design and construction of more than xxx projects nationally. Picture speaks a thousand words, so please, take the time to look at some of the projects we have carried out over the years and if you think we may just be able to help you too, get in touch, we look forward to speaking to you.